Monday, January 17, 2011

Family Drama (Genesis 36-40)

Have you ever had an experience in your life with a sibling where you were just sick of them being the favorite or the center of attention? My sister and I would trade of being this sibling. During her volleyball  season, which was all the time, she was the focus. Mom and Dad were always at her games and I was sick of her being the center of attention. During football season we would switch roles and she would feel this harsh feelings about me. We see that this has been happening for a while now between siblings.

Joseph has a dream that he interprets to mean that  will rule over and lead his brothers.

5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. 6 He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: 7 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”

8 His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.

His brothers have had enough of the favorite mentality. They lure him out to the woods and push him into a cistern. After some conversation they decide to sell him into slavery. From there the story continues to take some crazy twists. I am not going to ruin it for you but I want you to think about what crazy twist are occurring in your life? are you cursing God or are you coming to grips with the fact that this maybe the only way He can get you where He wants you.

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