Thursday, January 6, 2011

Covenants, High Priests and People Getting Jacked (Gen. 12-15)

I am a huge believer in legacy. My grandfather did all that he could to instill beliefs and values into his children that eventually got passed along to my cousins and I. We have many things that as a family we hold onto as values. Work ethic and the fair treatment of people are foundations to who we are as a family, which were instilled in us by my grandfather. My grandfather has impacted three generations so far but I would like to see the impact he has in a thousand years on the generations that follow.

As we look at today's scripture we have an opportunity to see this very affect at the beginning stages. After a fight and an encounter with a High Priest we see an interaction with God and a man named Abram. Abram was a godly man with a pure heart and a desire to serve. God comes to Abram and develops a covenant with him or a contract of promises. The covenant God makes with Abram is so big it will make your head spin and it is all about legacy.

 4 Then the word of the LORD came to him: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” 5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[d] be.” 

Abram was worried about who he would pass his legacy onto because he had no children. Not only did God promise a child but that Abram would be the father of the chosen people, the Israelite nation. Can you imagine God coming to you and telling you how great your impact will be on a whole society? I regularly forget that, Lord willing I will have an impact on generations to follow. We are not capable of thinking that far ahead though.

Today think about the impact your having on, not just the people of today, tomorrow or next year but hundreds of years from just as Abram did.

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